grilled kabobs

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Summer beckons simplicity.  It calls for outside and for back porches. It asks that neighbors hang around a little longer and that family gather a little better, too.  Celebrating this season of lightning bugs, the constant pursuit of the grass blades being cut and deep plunk-splashes into lakes off dock sides is something I enjoy.  Moreover, it's a season for which I give many thanks.  For it seems that summer not only cajoles simplicity, but it also does a fine job of tugging at the "hold on" chamber of my very heart.  I want to be with my people.  I want to slow down to almost a still so easy and fair.  The summer season brings me joy.  It brings me more time with my wife and my boys.  Much like me, I am certain this fantastic season of festivity has you searching more for simple and holding onto the memories that sidle right along side summer's four month gift to each of us.  

I really enjoy cooking.  It's not something I actually realized that I would appreciate being in my wheelhouse, but there's something very rewarding about bringing together a life otherwise known as a meal for someone.  When Meghan and I take a meal to a family in need from the loss of a family member or the birth of a child, I feel this peace that we created something to provide.  That our efforts to plan and our energy to make were just a tiny way that we could share community and team with a family joyous in celebration or deeply hurting with loss.  

grilled kabobs

And that's when it hit me.  We really are all in amongst the chatter of those two.  

  • The loss.
  •  The celebration.  

That's life.  And each time that I plan a meal with Meghan or take on a meal of my own, I am reminded that the choice is to create.  To go forth and make something that's good and that's my own for the love I have for others.  For the ones that mean so very much to me be it my family, my friends or my community.  

So I'm giving you my simple summer recipe for grilled kabobs.  It's a meal that promotes togetherness and team. It's a great meal to make with your guests, too.  Having everything chopped and ready only to assemble together as you talk is lots of fun.  I specifically enjoy the distinct flavors of each ingredient all stacked up next to one another on a stick. And I especially love its spectacular taste, good for you vibe and, of course, the easy after-dinner clean up, no doubt!

Enjoy the goodness that comes from creating and soaking up the slow down that summer so bountifully brings each of us.  

More articles by Kenny Cobble