{invaluable to all humanity}

{cross bead bracelets given as gifts to us from Kristen}

I love good friends.  I love the way that time & space exists only to quickly transpire into months between seeing each other and yet, when your feet settle in the same zip code, it's like you never left one another's side. 

Age and that timeline thing called life with families & miles does tend to throw a wrench in the immediacy of giggles and yousogetmyheart that is invaluable to all humanity.  

These girls sogetmyheart.

And, you know who sogetsOURhearts?

{love the cross found in the concert stage}

What can I say about the four you see above?  We are keenly adept at having one fanatical time together.  We have tenure in this art form.  This group is the recipe of a whole lotta fun, lots of laughter and being silly, some impromptu spectacles be it sleeping in a car in a condo pool area with pizza rolls or perhaps even running through a city water fountain sculpture with clothes after midnight.

We have been friends collectively for 15 years. 

Kristen is the epitome of precisely planned and spontaneous.  She loves to let loose and get down on some memory making.  Brooke {to her right} is such the caring and sweet soul.  It never fails that she ends up taking care of one or more of us with her big sister mentality.  She's no slacker when it comes to a good time either mind you.  

Me, myself and I...hmmm....well, I am most likely the free spirited "one of these things is doing their own thing" in the bunch.  I have been known to straight-up fashion personalized wife beater tanks with my bare hands and black masking tape for uniforms to outfit this group.  Then there's sweet Nicole.  Ahhh, our heartwarmer.  She's like leg warmers to our souls.  She fills us up, makes us re-think, and loves to get down on it when it comes to happy times. And, she's about 6 weeks from giving birth to her second daughter, Miss Maggie Rae!  Maggie Rae was a wonderful sidekick to this get together too.  So glad she could make it.   

Brooke also tends to be the one most often behind the camera lens.  We gotta work on that.

The heat was sweltering.  I rung out my dress not once but 3 times with sweat from my backside.  The concert was kick tail rockin' awesome to say the least.

I think this gal sang every.single.song.

And, I am certain this gal danced to every.single.song.

Kristen won the prize for taking it to the next level.  She was most definitely in her element.  She and these two boys have a huge history together. Sing it, girl.

Making the time to see these wonderful friends whom I don't see nearly enough was invaluable for me.  For all of us I would imagine.  

I appreciated the sisterhood.  
The laughter.  
The reminder that I am not justamom.  
The talks and the tears.  
The time carved out of our so busy schedules just to be together.

I love good friends.  I love the way that time and space exists then quickly transpires into months between seeing each other and yet, when your feet settle in the same zip code, it's like you never left one another's side. 

{invaluable to all humanity}

Thank you, Tim and Kenny.

.mac :)