February into March

"February wuz here." I feel like that needed to be written in graffiti with a nice neon yellow glow.  February was our month of snow.  It was a month of reschedules, postpones and just cancel it all together.  

These 28 days brought a much needed still to our family.  Uno games and jammies all day. Biscuits for breakfast and piled up together watching TV.  We snuggled.  We read.  We made jaunts out into the bitterly beautiful to play and to adventure too.   

I am aiming for texture this year.  To quote myself from 2015's inception:

"And this passion for change inevitably trumped my fervent desire to keep recycling the old. And that's life. It's not getting stuck & stale; it's keeping agile for newness to settle into the already good goins-on of you.

My word for this 2015 calendar year is texture.  I want to hoist it to the very forefront of my being.  I want to embrace the gritty and the smooth around me.  I want to climb the rigid.  And sift the sandiness of my person, too.  I want to find cognizance with the feel of calm and the notoriety of what is and can be best placed in me."


I want to embrace the gritty and the smooth around me.  I want to climb the rigid.  And sift the sandiness of my person, too.  I want to find cognizance with the feel of calm and the notoriety of what is and can be best placed in me.

I have some work to do on the grittiness. Not just around me, but in me too.  And even more work than I had realized with "the feel of calm and the notoriety of what is and can be best placed in me."

If I plan to seek texture this year then I need to remind myself that some grit does not create smooth.  I have to hold my heart accountable to the human I can be, to the hope I can hand out and to the heart that only I can handle.  

I need the reminders this month that sometimes the negative is draining.  And that sometimes I can't do a thing about it.  I can, however, work to stop the negative that lives inside of me. And I can refuse the restlessness that comes from over thinking & over working.  

To my fellow perfectionists out there, this month's for you.

Visit here to catch up on January & February's goals.