


Um, geez.  I'm all over the map with this post.  I mean there are so many different angles I can go here. I'd like to think that's what happens when you have a quality subject before you in which to discuss.  I dare say I could potentially be gifting away my entire 1st published book in this session today we call Cheap Thrills Thursday. This dress.  This post.  Is me, people. Everlasting.  Oh.my.heavens me.

I am choosing to be transparent for this.  You know the V-word?  Vul-to-the-ner-to-the-ABLE. Because fashtastic {fashion + fantastic}, I think I'm best when I'm just honest.

When I typically write a blog post, I name it first.  I LUH-OVE a good title.  I also love a good book cover.  Judging the inside for the the out are we, Meg?  Well, crap.  Kinda.  I DO NOT do this in people.  Never have.  Never will.  But a blog feed when I have oh about 5 minutes to read?  You bet I do.  

And titles like {teaching writing through literature} #1 does nothing for me.  BLAH & BORING. BUT! Did you know if you want to bring your blogging platform to a monetary status, you need a good SEO set up and simple key words are like all the rage for those tiny cyber stat creepers that tabulate your bread crumbs and traffic?  Yes, readers.  Bread crumbs is the exact official word used.  I didn't make it up.  They did.  So why do they get to use cool words like bread crumbs while I have to use words like {teaching writing through literature} #1?

Sidenote:  The above link was yesterday's post.  It's  my hope that this will be a super helpful series of installments on teaching writing to kiddos.  My personal title preference was "Words In = Words Out".  Yesterday I attempted my first "cookie + bread crumb crawler/grabber" title for a better SEO performance.  I hated it.  I think I'll go back to my happy place where post titles vibe out cool and don't capsize my happy writing boat for my "bread crumb" of writing for profit.


So, for all 2 of you who are still reading, I need you to know I have YET to name this post.  The long, slender rectangular box with shaded gray writing that says "Enter title here" is just staring at me right now.  EMPTY.  I'm proverbially standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona with such a fine sight to see: COOL POST TITLE OPTIONS!

So, Imma take it easy like the Eagles tell me to and just rat-a-tat rattle them off to you:

  1. Mamaw Works for Anthropologie
  2. Holla for Handmade
  3. I Tried This On With Tennis Shoes & Socks
  4. Booyah! It's Gotta BIB!
  5. What The H-E Double Hockey Sticks Is On My Dress?
  6. Bought With My Best Friend
  7. Fashtastic {fashion + fantastic}
  8. Fashion Photography Faux Pas:  Captured By Kids
  9. Two Dolla Stitches

And just to prove I am totally new age...

  • #mamawworksforanthrolpologie
  • #hollaforhandmade
  • #itriedthisonwithtennisshoesandsocks
  • #booyahitsgottaabib
  • #whatthehedoublehockeysticksisonmydress
  • #boughtwithmybestfriend
  • #fashtastic
  • #fashionphotographyfauxpascapturedbykids
  • #twodollastitches

 Homeschool mama can hashtag, y'all.

funny 1

All of the above titles options are true.  Personally, if I was book shopping or post feed scrolling, I would stop and pay some mind to any of those read outs.  Kinda like I'm doing here in the above picture.  Oh, my face.  It is my Mom's made over in this image.  You see, I've spotted something suspect on my two dolla stitches find from the Habitat for Humanity store. And Eli, unbeknownst to me,  has decided to capture this discovery in digital images.

funny 2

I mean what the H-E-double hockey sticks is it? Notice the frustration building in my brow.  My mind's all like, "I have straight up spilled cinnamon bun cake on my dress, gone to church AND SANG IN THE CHOIR with this mess on me." 

funny 3

#$%&!  Completely irritated now, I do what any good middle aged-homeschooling mama-front porch model in the South does.  I close my eyes and brush that crusty junk off of me.  BE GONE YOU NASTY FOREIGN AGENT OF GOO:  out of sight >> out of mind.  Do you realize Eli never once let on he was capturing these fashion photography faux pas?  I found them all like I did this holla for handmade, BOOYAH IT'S GOTTA BIB, maybe Mamaw works for Anthropologie {see proof here} dress.  They were a surprise:  BOTH on the hanger and on camera.

floral 1

I love this dress for so many reasons.  It was bought with my best friend the same weekend we nailed some rockstar additions to my home. I spied this baby girl on the rack and shouted out across the store to my gal, "Oh, Nan.  Look at her!"  Do you know what she said back?  No.  She did not vomit a little in her mouth while muttering, "That is ridiculous.  Put it back."  Nan knows my heart. She smiled, crooked her head sideways and said, "That's you, Meg.  All you."  Then proceeded to laugh her hot tail off into a complete snort fit when I came out of the dressing room with this frock paired with my sweat socks and tennis shoes.

FASHTASTIC.  It's what I know.  I can't claim anything other than my heart be that with words or fashion.  I move with what speaks to me on the inside through to the out.  And I also just so happen to spill cinnamon bun cake "bread crumbs" on myself and wear them.  Take that, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION.  

.mac :)

fashtastic title

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