Up, please.

Her voice whispers conviction.  A tone deliberate and consuming to those that surround her. It's deep from within yet stern & faint.  Her request.  "Up, peas."Again.  Again.  And again. She moves hope. Back and forth, she lives life with her simple two syllable request.  It's found in the arms of Mama. For Mama's heart is where Mallory finds her smile. In the smell of her "b" all tattered and worn. Ripped from sweet rest and snared from the snuggles of safety.  It's in her "cu" where her long, dainty fingers grasp a purple cylinder bringing milk to her mouth.  It's where Daddy is.  His chest for resting.  And in her baby dolls where love becomes an action verb. Doting and kissing. Mallory lives for upward.

Mallory Alaine Casey is my niece.  She is no stranger to this place where my words become formal.  Where my heart presses hard into the keyboard for story.  For memory keeping.  For better and for the blurred just the same.  Mallory was born pre-mature via an emergency c-section on February 28, 2012 due to my sister-in-law's complications with Previa. You can read my documentation of her birth story here.Meeting Mallory was captured in this space as well. I'll never forget her tiny-ness, bright eyes and beautiful long fingers.  She has my Gramma Casey's hands.

Kim, my sister-in-law, is strength and fight and steadfastness.  I am honored to have her as sister.  In calling her friend, even more.  She also recorded Mallory's birth story.  You can read Kim's words here with photos here.

Mallory has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen to the brain while in utero.  She was on track with her progress taking into account her premature birth and diagnosis.  Her gross motor skills are affected along with her speech.  Mallory has made such progress with her mobility and was moving towards walking up until this January-February. Since then Mallory has regressed in her development.  Kim and Adam are in full pursuit of uncovering the potential genetic disease that would account for Mallory's decline in progress.

So much is unknown as to Mallory's definite diagnosis.  Kim and Adam are waiting for insurance to approve a genetic sequencing test that would acutely pinpoint which chromosomes are missing that would allow them to offer Mallory the absolute best form of treatment and life lived.

Life lived.Let's talk about that.  Sweet Mallory is a gift.  She is from a Maker who knows her by name. He is her whispers faint and determined.  "Up, peas."  His plan is for her eternal up.  For us all.  Mallory just happens to be a physical representation of what our daily breathes are to embody here on this Earthly shore.  "Up, peas."Again. Again. And again.  Hope moving. Back & forth.  A two syllable request.  His plans are for making us more like Him.  Always. With our efforts and in our declines.  Our regressions too.  Mallory moves in this hope.  Much like we all should.  Yes.  Up, please, sweet girl.  Move us all upward.  Daily. Eternally.  Sweet precious one, you already know.

I wrote about Mallory Alaine here back in March.  I want to recall this memory filed for Kim and Adam.  For my sister-in-law is a beautiful example of quiet, unwavering strength.  One tenacious and calm.  Lucky is our sweet Mallory for finding her smile in Mama.  In resting on a Daddy's chest where inside his heart swells with sweetness for his little girl and her story. Together, Kim and Adam, can move mountains for their smallest MAC. And in their together, He will bind beautiful for both Mallory and Mollye to witness.

Kim has started a Facebook page for Mallory.  This page is called Go, Mallory. Go.  This family needs a triumphant amount of upward.  Lifting prayers for healing, discernment, peace and strength in what lies ahead.  Encouragement by the heapfuls for the days that bring them down and for the moments that bring them absolute joy on Mallory's journey.  An ascending awareness for all the little ones out there much like Mallory whose story is yet unknown.  "Up, peas." A simple two syllable request.  I would love for you to join me in helping sweet Mallory move her hope back & forth.

Mallory Alaine, keep whispering your convictions.  Keep reminding us all with your angel eyes of how upward should feel.  You and your golden light are strength to us all. Again. Again. And again.