{the score of us}

boys in yard.png Absence says it best.  It isn't overly wordy.  And yet, not faint in detail.  It nails it.  The heartbeats intensify upon my return.  Yours & mine.  Blood gushes more happily through our family's veins.  Tonight I watched you play.  Barefooted I felt the coolness of the porch under my toes.  My movements were slow & rhythmic in the old rocking chair.  Your feet moved effortlessly through our blades of grass.  The soccer ball soared.  A quickened version of play was created for speedy results and to ensure a cushion of confidence for you both.  Laughter tangled with yelling and silliness with just a touch of competitive rivalry.  Tonight was not made for guts & glory.  Tonight was made for together.

Away.  It's spoils us with reflection.  It reminds us of soul.  Of purpose.  Of blessing.  Releasing from the regular smudges the hardened edge of a life we know as daily. I often become life's best student in the miles that separate our collective.  The stretch of elapsed away moves me to a healthier side of better. I regain my perspective of person.  Of wife and of mother.  Of His holy invested in my me.  In my case for moving this world for more in the place marked Meghan.

We ate fish sticks and french fries on the back porch.  The breeze was evangelical.  Spring settled into our bones.  We watered the flowers.  We double dipped in ketchup.  We crunched carrots and apples too.  Milk cups were refilled and I listened to you tell your weekend stories. Like ping-pong paddles, you bounced your collected memories one off of the other.  My crow's feet grinned as I heard words like delicious, spectacular, unbelievable, hilarious & awesome.  What great words for a weekend, boys.

Off you went back to your yard of you.  I waltzed inside and then out washing sheets for the new week ahead and unpacking from my time away. Scribbled on yellow legal paper, my pencil made the meal menu list for the week and double checked our calendar of together. Baseball practices and games.  Soccer too.  Church.  Mortgage payment.  Designs to create. Shipments out.  Fabric to order.  Football for Kenny.  Life daily became once again.

"Mom, come play with us! You can be all-time offense for both teams."  I accepted kindly. There, barefooted in our backyard, we played.  Giggles surrounded us much like the warmth from the sunshine saying its first farewells to daylight.  Tickles & tackles.  With one touch passes, teamwork increased the score of us.  Tambouring our togetherness heightened as Daddy's truck pulled into its place in our driveway. Home had all 4 walls once more.

It's in this effort of now and of raising you that I want to remember.  I want to remember the release.  Of me. From you.  The smudging of edges and the holy here and now.  The calamity of a floor full of crumbs and laundry baskets overflowing with twisted legs and inside-out arm holes. I want to rest in this.  In my evangelical and in my case for moving this world for more in the place marked Meghan.  Tonight I watched you play.

Mama :)

{my 2 in 52}

crumbs and time away.png

p.s.  A special thank you to all who took the poll from this post.  This feedback gave me such gusto for the new direction I am headed.  The 2 lucky winners of k.Mac's Troubadour necklace are Stacy Fulmer Moore and Sarena Shasteen.  Please contact meghan@kmaccreations.com to custom design your new Troubadour.

p.p.s.  You are officially invited!  Please join me along with Donna Roland as we speak on the gift of self confidence and tips for letting your best light shine fashionably.  It's sure to be a wonderful time for all things estrogen and girly good.  I'd love to meet all you local blog readers here.  I promise to be plucked for the occasion.  It's the least I can do.  love your selfie blog.png