Life is BIG in the Little

morning sky I sat still this morning. Quietly, the balls of my calloused bare feet propelled the front porch rocker rhythmically to and fro. With warm coffee cupped in my hand, I nestled into the view you see above. I moved not with a Monday motion of hurry.  And, motion with hurry is mostly who I am.  I needed to feel still.  

Intentions are finding me.  They are.  Ever-so-softly, the deliberateness of my person works to capture my methods, moreover my motives. I am growing up from within. What an odd and beautiful thing to say.

I owe it all to Him.  Well, and to myself, too, just a little.  For I simply decided to let go of what was never mine.  The worry, the shame, the guilt, the hurt, the hustle. I began building upon what He filled in me.  It took shutting up the excuses and the "if onlys", and showing up for Him.  This notion of being a watcher only to turn into a worker is so magnificent and hard.  And, it is worth it.  For the tight clamped control and criticism that inhabited my heart was suffocating. Shut up.  Show up.  Watch only to work.  I am getting there.  I am.

I thinks it's easy to let the hurry of life hush up the happy & simple.  It's as if the moments worth documenting should only be counted, captured and collected if they're the big ones.  The saved up for vacations and the major milestones in life:  graduation, first tooth, honor roll, prom pictures and everybody's Easter best.  I have to say I'm not for this mindset.  It leaves each of us hanging in the balance of "when's it gonna get here" and "countdown to completeness".  By no means am I belittling life's big'uns, but I am standing up for the precious little that happens in our everyday that grows us for good.  Those tiny moments that tuck into our hearts and make us stronger.  These subtle nudges of life are where God smiles down and says I love you so very much.  Life is BIG in the little.

I want to use technology for good.  For connecting and for capturing.  Life.  The sweet & the real. Instagram gives me a place to document these tiny shifts throughout my day be it sour or super precious.  Busy are the times; better they are when we stop, savor and collect the moments that make the most of us.  I am challenging each of you this week to capture.  Collect & remember.  If you have an Instagram account, make the most of it. Bloggers, take the time to blog your littles.  Share your sweetness and your silly.  Your "this sucks" too.  I am going to do the same.  Should you not have an Instagram account or blog, just capture.  Snap and log little notes to your photos saved.  Housing memories that filter the fruition of our every days doesn't have to be hard.  It doesn't have to be scrapbook approved either.

Here are some shots from my weekend:

light flow collage

Top left to right going across by rows:  

1.  I snuck in a quick Goodwill trip 20 minutes before they closed on Saturday's 1/2 off weekend.  I snapped a picture of myself in the dressing room only to send to one of my fine fashion friends for a thumbs up or thumbs down on the purchase of this mohair drape shaw for $2.50.  Her response back:

claire message

I want to remember that smile and the happy this simple connection from so very far away gave me.

2.  I have been making hand poured candles for 5 years now. Watching this business grow has been so rewarding for me.  The process of candle making is methodical and slow.  There is something magical in the wait time.  I am thankful for the growth of this facet of my k.Mac.  I am thankful for the way it allows me to give back a little to those in need from the simple work of my hands.

3.  I went to a UT game this weekend. I want to remember that I took my shoes off and sat in the sunshine.  I talked little.  I clapped a lot.  I shared a coca-cola with my eldest son.  We sucked on ice and made silly faces at each other when we got bored.  He is so me.

4.  Casey McGill scored 2 goals in his soccer game.  He is getting tall.  He's tenacious when it comes to competing.  I love the memory of leaving him with grandparents to spend time with our oldest and my Kenny.  Sometimes I need reminding that it's better to be spread evenly than spread thin.

5.  Kenny looked so cute in his button up orange shirt.  He watched the game with intensity.  Smoky dogs were sucked down. This picture took me back to the times of Cars the movie and sippy cups with milk for our sweet firstborn.  Time has flown.  He is already almost 8 1/2.

6.  I have been a part of an outfit challenge with 2 super stylish gals for the month of September.  Totally their idea, they asked me to join.  The objective was to assemble 15 outfits from your closet that were with today's style trends AND WEAR THEM. The focus was to spend little money while making use of what we already had.  We have snapped pictures throughout the month and sent them to one another for accountability's sake and for overall fun, too.  Here is me on Saturday.  This challenge has been light hearted.  Being asked to join made my insides feel happy and joyful.  It's crazy how little things can do you the most good.

7.  Kenny Cobble and I stayed up EXTREMELY late on Sunday night watching the end of the 3rd season of Friday Night Lights.  I purchased all 5 seasons from McKay's Bookstore.  We are completely hooked. I have cried more times than I can count.  We love the shows and being piled up on the couch together once the boys are in bed.  This purchase was, by far, one of the best I have made.  Our life during this football season is so very separate. Time with Kenny is so important to me. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

8. Sunday afternoon I had the boys wash and vacuum out our car trash hole on wheels.  They laughed a lot.  They soaked themselves.  They worked hard.  I gave up ownership of a job.  I delegated.  I let go.  Great job, boys!

9.  Sunday evening I was putting clean sheets on the boys' beds.  I found this picture frame on Casey's nightstand.  He had dug it out of a storage closet.  I love that he turned it portrait style when it was supposed to be turned landscape.  This boy sees he and his Mama snuggling and NOT the older brother to my right that I am also wrestling.  It reminded me to pay attention to what they see and what they remember as theirs.

Nine memories captured and collected from this weekend.  No major vacations were taken.  No bank accounts drained. No gussied up parties were attended either.  Life just happened, and I took the time to remember it just as it was.  I would love if you would join me this week in finding life's big in your little.  Share them on your blog, post them on Instagram or Facebook or collect them all to yourself. Whatever you do, take this challenge.  I am certain you'll find your smile a little more this week.

find your light

I'm light finding.  I hope you are too.

.mac :)

p.s.  Should you want to join in sharing your life's little, feel welcome to use the hashtag:  {#lifeisbiginthelittlechallenge} Also, please leave me a comment to let me know you are!  I would love to check out the BIG in your little this week be it Facebook, Instagram, or Blog.  Want to do it privately?  I am all for it.  Feel free to send me an email {} with one of your images and memories from your week.   I would be honored to receive it.


p.p.s. Today is the last day to take advantage of k.Mac's Fall & Winter Scents Sale.  Go here to purchase any of these 12 oz. candles for $10 each.  {normal price is $12.99 each}

Celebrate the Season Candle AD