Dancing Queens

I'm a dancer. You know this, right?

Evidence to support this statement can be found here for those doubters.

Well, it turns out, Mollye is too. You MUST go see this girl in FULL SWING here.


Matter of fact, leave that sweet S-I-L of mine a comment if you want. She is ready to take blogging by storm and could use a little comment-love for inspiration!

I cannot tell you how much fun this little Mollye is.
She is FULL of personality and strong will.

I eat her up everytime I am around her.
That prissy little walk-waddle of hers just melts me.

And if you think for one second that Aunt Meg won't be going out dancing with her when she's of age and ready...YOU.ARE.DEAD.WRONG!

Yeah, I might be like 50 something, but I am pretty sure I will still be able to shake it.

Oh for the love of the dance.

.mac :)

p.s. One of my new year's resolutions is to join a square dance club. Yes, alone. Kenny would not even think of doing something like this. And that's okay. This sister can rock out all by herself. I'm torn between a clogging group or a square dance club. You think I'm joking, don't you? Nope.

It's a tricky decision, girls. Tricky.

They BOTH have the most imortants to me:

  • music
  • dancing
  • short uber ruffly dresses

The square dancing advantage:


The clogging advantage:


Which one would you go with? Do tell.

p.p.s. I am fully aware that my header is still "ode to Christmas 2009". My Photoshop has a huge ailment unidentified. My tech support (Kenny) is working dilligently to perform the appropriate doctoring needed. Hang tight and each time you click on my blog find nostalgia for Christmas past. Grrr..PC...muffle...%$##...hmph.