
Ties look great with a nice crisp oxford all tucked in the waistline, don't you think? Or who can resist a little guy like Lincoln with his hip untucked look.

Tucked in is what we have been with our little visitor since Tuesday evening. Tucked in with our B's (blankets are called this at our home), our cousins, and uncle for night time snuggles before bedtime. Tucked into days upon days of a steady streamline of pitter-patters on our roof leaving creativity at an all time high indoors.

Tucked in with Mollye. Blocks, books, "bawls" (Mollye's word for balls), and mEoWs at the sharpest pitch you can say it. The boys have loved her here. Uncle Kenny too. Aunt Meghan probably most of all.

Whether it be collared shirts with the perfect tie, bed quilts wrapped around you snuggled up with the ones you hold dear, or the love you have tucked in your heart for the the littles ones around you, tucked is a good thing.

Kinda like these conestants all tucked in waiting on a winner.

And I wonder how our winner will choose to wear his shirt with his matching k.Mac tie?

I can bet anyway he chooses he will be ultra hip, totally cute, and completely unique compliments of k.Mac. Contact me at meghan@kmaccreations.com to start your design session on this great little prize!

Thank you to all who entered. I appreciate new followers whom which I can visit and learn more about their place in this life through their written words. I appreciate all of your responses as to what makes a birthday special too. Birthdays each and every year are a one-of-a-kind in decoration, guests, and a new round at another 365 set.

And it is with a special place in my heart I wish k. of k.Mac a happy belated birthday. Her bash last year was outstanding. I can only imagine how her country breakfast dinner treated her this year!

Lastly, a special thank you to Kacey from Chronicles of a Mommy for featuring my work. I consider it a prviliege to have been a small part of the BIG bash happening tomorrow for the twins!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

I do hope you find time to find yourself tucked some place happy!

.mac :)