{red & green}


Fashion-Plates4 You know, I think I've decided what Cheap Thrills Thursday is like to me.  It's completely my grown up version of Fashion Plates.  I was obsessed with this toy when I was a little girl. Infatuation at an all time high, I do declare.  My mind exploded with new combinations of pant-blouse-face.  And then to think, all I had to do was use alternative colored pencil hues and those outfits became completely new & different.

4 shirt blank-title blog

So why is it in my middle age that I have to deny myself the utter joy of playing Fashion Plates? Um, there is no reason. BOOM.  Break out the templates, baby.  BIG middle-aged GIRL Fashion Plates for real life.  SQUEAL!

I took the above 4 articles of clothing and created 4 different Christmas themed looks.  All of the pieces shown are from Goodwill with the exception of the booties and that superfly Griswold Christmas baseball tee. {Thank you, Wal-Mart.}

Hang with me, because I'm gonna go ONE LOUDER like you wouldn't believe once we're through here.

green blouse 1


This green peasant vibe blouse rocks my socks off.  Super great emerald hue and I love how it punchy gathers at the bottom.  New heels in da house!  I am totally digging the rich mahogany of these bad boys.

green leaf 1


Infinity scarf was a $4.97 Wal-Mart purchase.  I digress & oops. I wear this sweater all the time with layers + belt.  Am I sure if its all the rage and in style? Not a clue.  But I get giddy every stinkin' time I do it.  Count it.

griswold skirt


Dang that Griswold baseball tee was $8.97 from Wal-Mart upping the price of this ensemble.  But an $8.97 well spent you can rest assured.  Love.this.movie.  Love a baseball tee too.  I snazzed her up something fancy for a little Christmas twist.  #redlegs #tightoholic

red vest 2


I.mean.navy.  And.dots.  And.gingham.  It's like I'm one of Santa's elves with mustard fringe booties.  I'm just, you know, taking a break from painting wooden doll faces.  No bigs.

And before you go bee bopping off, I need you to go here.  Yes, go there.  Why?  Because I didn't just make 4 Christmas outfits with the 4 these red & green select pieces.  I MADE EIGHT!  Head on over to the Knoxville Moms Blog and see how I completely Fashion Plated like a mad dog.

4 shirt blank

 same 4 pieces = 8 outfits

It's like there's tracing paper and colored pencils all around me and I can't stop creating new looks.  Oh, to be 7 again.  Or, just 38 will work. Pant-blouse-face.  Pant-blouse-face.  Pant-blouse-face.

cheap thrills thursday.png

To read more Cheap Thrills Thursday posts, visit here.