{passing it down}

Swells of emotions live inside things.  It's as if the tangible is but a huge time machine. Awakening the senses; boosting our pasts into our future.  Like a real comfy sweatshirt, the memory wears just as comfortable whether its outside in our inside out. The nostalgia still wraps us in the warmth that only exists inside a memory.

One of my fondest memories as a little girl was antique/junk shopping with my Mom and my Mom-Mommie.  Mom-Mommie would always spoil me with a funnel cake if I was well behaved. I collected hats & purses.  They collected depression glass.

It is with huge joy that I am carrying on this tradition with their grandsons/great-grandsons. Only now we shop for military & vintage sports memorabilia.

This Saturday afternoon stint with my two was exactly the tangible I needed.  Swells of emotions happened.  These things made it so.  Not depression glass or bead rimmed hats with the tiny intricate netting.  No, not this time.  But these new curiosities, these new hopeful-haves, brought about those feelings I keep locked up in my heart's best safekeeping spot.

The emotion manages its way out of that safely kept place and the rests there sweetly in the now of me.  I am thankful for the privilege of passing down the hope of treasure seeking to my boys.  For its not so much the things that we seek, but it's the memories and the conversations that keep us stuffing new into that hideaway for safe keeping there on the inside of us.  With joy, outward it comes & inward it keeps as the years do pass.

{week 48: my 2 in 52}

I'm over at the Knoxville Moms Blog today with a little     love not from me to some of you. Working from home is  a privilege.  It's also a real hot mess.  Most of the time it's  manageable, but there are days.  Go here to read more  about it.