
It's a good thing, you know.

What's that?

Oh, change.

It brings forth new perspectives and different angles all of a sudden-like.

It wrestles unequivocally with stagnancy and puts a good whoopin' on him too.

Did she just say whoopin'?  

Yes, I did.

And change-ups are good for the soul, mind you.

They require some rearranging and some squirming too for that matter.

Like girls that go auburn outta their own bathroom and all by themselves late Christmas afternoon.

And, kinda like my photo shoot with my eldest son for the new winter blog header.  

These pictures are what I envisioned.

Eli Garrett had something else in mind.  {note the new header}

Both of us agreed on the lemon boa hair piece.

Who me?

I've been anything but stagnant.  

Ahhh, change is is in the air!

.mac :)